Real or Fake?

Adam D
4 min readOct 26, 2018

This week we ran a fun little experiment to start the class. We set out a blind taste test for 2 different types of Cola. In one cup, we had the always tasty Authentic Coca-Cola Classic. In the other, a lower priced, off-brand of Fake Cola. Could the students tell the difference? We were rushing to get things setup as they waited in the hallway, so I didn't have a chance to actually try them side by side to see if I could tell. Up until my trip to Poland, I hadn’t even drank a bottle of soda for maybe 10 years. So, I had to see if I could tell the difference between Polish Coke or Polish Pepsi while I was there!

The ingredients on the back were all in Polish - could be the same recipe for all I know!

Surprisingly, about half the class got it wrong! The next taste test wasn’t much of a mystery, but was fun nonetheless. We had set out 2 different types of Strawberry Twists. The first was that smooth, twisty, shiny rope of deliciousness — Twizzlers. The second was much different in texture, sort of a matte finish, kind of crumbly (I actually kind of like them), Red Vines. This one was easy, everyone got the Real Twizzlers figured out and knew the Imitation Red Vines right away.

So, not only did the students get to have a fun little activity and enjoy a bit of a snack, we were planting some seeds on what will be an important lesson throughout our school year. It’s a question, really, that they will carry out and build on and wrestle with their whole life. Am I being Real or Fake?

Can people tell the difference? Who really cares? Why do I care? Should I care? These are all natural questions that start to arise when we really look at our actions, appearances, words, and attitudes. There’s a force in our world that is out to disconnect us from our True and Authentic selves. The “devil” or the “evil one” is usually how I’ll refer to it. You see, the devil can win little battles. He does this by working inside of us to build on our insecurities. This happens throughout our whole life, but wow, what better time for him to attack then when we are going through puberty in junior high?

I remember those years all to well. I’m 6'7", about 235 pounds now at 33 (turning 34 on Saturday!). But when I hit my growth spurt, I was barely 150 pounds soaking wet. I was a scrawny bean pole. My teeth were all jacked up, I had braces for 4 years, and even had jaw surgery. I remember my junior year high school football picture, my face was so swollen I looked like some sort of rodent with its cheeks stuffed full of food for the winter haha!

Adam’s chipmunk face

Kids develop at all different times and ways and some get through it quicker than others. All of this is happening while we are starting to form new friendships and learning how to take on more responsibility at school, on sports teams, within our family, and maybe even in our church. Building confidence is certainly tough to do when this is all going on. When people are uncomfortable with themselves, they lash out at others. They start to pick on classmates, tease them, and bully them. It’s rough!

My prayer is that every kid going through this can hold fast to the cross, to follow Jesus, and to love themselves.

It’s easy to succumb to the pressure, especially with the way teenagers are connecting on social media these days. And this observation I’m about to make isn’t meant to pass judgement, I have a great amount of respect for others and don’t pretend to know what’s going on in their lives. But, we can spiral downhill quickly when we are more concerned about pleasing others than pleasing God. I have seen countless amount of guys and girls trying to take the perfect selfie, duck face, flexed muscle, hip bend, chest out, excessive weights on the squat rack, kitty filter, just the right amount of shiny stuff on the table, or brand name on their shirt…just to get the most amount of “Likes” as possible. Is this Real? Is this Authentic?

It’s exhausting! I know that back when I used Facebook (I quit 6yrs ago — although, I’m considering starting again for evangelization purposes), there were many times I would remove a post or picture I put up because it wasn’t getting much interaction. Something I thought was funny or nice, and nobody was responding?! Delete it! I can’t be having stuff up there that nobody cares about, that would look bad!

I can tell you, what we are all yearning for is Real, and it is Authentic. We want to love, and to be loved. We all want that! But this deep desire, at its roots, is for love from God. Only relationship with God can fulfill that desire.

Is there anything in your daughter or son’s life that they are struggling to be Real with? How about in your own life?

Have a blessed week!

-Adam D.

